The ALS Association

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Progress

Displaying results 51 - 60 of 69 items found.

51. Hiring In-Home Help Independently

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 18:49:00 CDT 2020)

At some point during your journey with ALS, in-home help will most likely become a necessity. Many families choose to use a home health agency or a non-­‐medical home care (companion) agency to match them up with suitable e...

52. Making a Lasting Difference—In Memory of Linda

(Web Page; Mon Apr 20 10:54:00 CDT 2015)

Bob Patterson had been retired for just four short months when the twitching began in his wife, Linda's, arm. A neurologist in Dayton, Ohio, suspected ALS, a diagnosis soon confirmed by a doctor at Albert Einstein in New York. At the...

Description: Bob Patterson establishes a charitable gift annuity to pay tribute to wife's life and memory

53. Coping with Medicare Coverage Changes in Speech Generating Devices

(Web Page; Wed Jul 29 15:37:00 CDT 2015)

Staying connected with friends and loved ones might get trickier for people living with ALS that rely on Medicare. Presently, there is speculation regarding whether Medicare will continue to cover the cost of speech generating devices (S...

54. Project MinE

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 12:21:00 CDT 2020)

Project MinE Project MinE is an international, large-scale research initiative devoted to discovering genetic causes of ALS and to ultimately find a cure. Project MinE is based on the fact that genes are tho...

55. CReATe Consortium

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 12:13:00 CDT 2020)

CReATe Consortium The Clinical Research in ALS and related disorders for Therapeutic Develoment (CReATe) Consortium is a collaborative effort to foster the discovery and validation of biomarkers relevant to...

56. NeuroLINCS

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 12:18:00 CDT 2020)

NeuroLINCS NeuroLINCS is a collaborative effort between numerous research groups that are experts in their field and have high proficiency in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology, disease modeling...

57. Answer ALS

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 12:11:00 CDT 2020)

Answer ALS Answer ALS is an initiative spearheaded by Steve Gleason to challenge ALS researchers to come up with a solid plan to find a cure for ALS. Its strategy includes two impact goal arms that help peo...

58. Stem Cells

(Web Page; Tue Jun 16 11:39:00 CDT 2020)

Stem Cells Overview Stem cells have the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and give rise to multiple specialized cell types. They can develop into blood, neurons, bone, muscle, skin an...

59. Hope in Progress: An Overview of Current Promising ALS Research Studies

(Web Page; Thu Jan 07 16:00:00 CST 2016)

The Current State of ALS Research

 There have been many medical breakthroughs over the last 20 years for a wide range of neurological conditions – from migraines to multiple sclerosis to Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately, ...

60. Beware the Internet Rumor Mill: Tips for Staying on Top of the Latest Research News

(Web Page; Mon Feb 26 10:57:00 CST 2018)

The promise of scientific research provides hope for those with ALS. These last few years have been a tremendous period of progress in gathering new insights into this complex disease. The Internet provides an amazing volume of inform...

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